B2i Javascript API Documentation


Date: Feb 9, 2024
Version: 1.0.6

Email Unsubscribe - now offering a standalone email unsubscribe module

Live View with examples and explanation.

Enter Your Credentials This will populate your credentials within each code example for easy copy.
- No longer needed in accounts created after 6/15/2023
SEC Filings
Live View Site

SEC List View example Table layout 1 - SEC module is now database driven - custom layouts are possible
	<div id="SECdiv"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/SECapi.js?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	oSEC.lo="1";          // Layout 1 for SEC List table
	oSEC.t="";            // Form Type filter set to empty
	oSEC.sf="1";          // show form turned on
	oSEC.n="1";           // navigation turned on
SEC Detailed View example
Detailed Layouts - Layout 3-5 and accordion 6-8
SEC module is now database driven - custom layouts possible
	<div id="SECdiv10k"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/SECapi.js?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	oSEC.sDiv="SECdiv10k"; // unique name set for div
	oSEC.lo="3";          // Layout 3 for SEC enhanced display
	oSEC.DocListOpen="0"; // Document list open by default
	oSEC.t="10-Konly";    // Form Type filter set
	oSEC.sf="0";          // show form turned off
	oSEC.n="0";           // navigation turned off
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getSecData(); method.

You can add CSS for the Filing Viewer Page in the IR Office portal.

oSEC.lo="0"; Layout: default is DIV, lo="1" will display <table> output, lo="3" for Single/Enhanced Filing View
oSEC.sDiv=""; Sets the location to render the data
oSEC.fonticon="1"; Use Font icons instead of default images.
oSEC.DocListOpen="0"; Turn this setting off to collapse the documents list on the enhanced views.
oSEC.t=""; Form type filter to limit display of forms: Example: oSEC.t="10-K"; *** See more detail below
oSEC.sf="0"; Search form: default is show search form, setting to 0 will hide the search form
oSEC.sh="0"; Show column headers: default is show column headers, setting to 0 will hide the column headers
oSEC.sg="1"; Show groups: default is off, setting to 1 will display the group column
oSEC.n=""; Navigation: default is show navigation, setting to 0 will hide the navigation
oSEC.c="10"; Count: how many items are displayed per page, default is 20
oSEC.y=""; Year: setting a year will limit filings to only that year
oSEC.currentyear="1" Current year: setting to only show the current year items in any of the SEC displays
oSEC.sg="1"; ShowGroups: Show Groups on list view
oSEC.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css
oSEC.df="1"; Date Format: 1-5, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Month dd,yyyy
oSEC.LangID="2"; Language to display text items. Additional languages must be initialized.
oSEC.OpenLinks=""; set to "1" for new tab, "2" for new window, "3" for floating div
oSEC.OpenIcons=""; set to "1" for new tab, "2" for new window, "3" for floating div
oSEC.TextHeader=""; Empty by default.
oSEC.sPdf=""; Image URL for PDF files
oSEC.sHtm=""; Image URL for Html files
oSEC.sDoc=""; Image URL for Doc files
oSEC.sXls=""; Image URL for Xls files
oSEC.sXbrl=""; Image URL for Xbrl files
oSEC.sZip=""; Image URL for Zip files

Form Type Filters

US Filers - Form Filters
Parameter Results Returned
t="10" Forms 10-Q or 10-K
t="10-Q" Forms 10-Q or 10-Q/A
t="10-Qonly" Forms 10-Q
t="10-K" Forms 10-K or 10-K/A
t="10-Konly" Forms 10-K
t="8-K" Forms 8-K or 8-K/A
t="8-Konly" Forms 8-K
t="defa" Forms DEF 14A
t="def" Forms DEF(*) wildcard
t="ircurrent" Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K - Ordered by date
t="ircurrent2" Forms 10-K or 10-Q, 8-K and DEF 14A - Ordered by date
t="ircurrent3" Forms 10-K or 10-Q and DEF 14A - Ordered by date
t="ircurrent4" Forms 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K and DEF 14A - Ordered by date
t="345" Forms 3,4,5,3A,4A,5A,144
t="no345" All forms but Forms 3,4,5,3A,4A,5A,144
ADR Filers - Form Filters
Parameter Results Returned
t="20-F" Forms 20-F or 20-F/A
t="20-Fonly" Forms 20-F only
t="6-K" Forms 6-K or 6-K/A
t="6-Konly" Forms 6-K only
t="ircurrent2f" top Form 20-F and top 6-K - Ordered by date
* Other configurations by request
oSEC.iStoryWidth="600"; Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px
oSEC.iStoryHeight="600"; Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px
oSEC.iStoryMaxWidth=""; Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oSEC.iStoryMaxHeight=""; Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oSEC.iLeftOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from left: default 0
oSEC.iTopOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from top: default 0
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site
	<div id="Fin1Div"></div> When using Financials multiple times on same page, set unique div ids
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/FundamentalApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getFinancialsData(); method.
oFinancials.sDiv=""; Sets the location to render the data
oFinancials.Mode="1"; Multiple disply options
oFinancials.Tab="1"; Tabs 1-3 When using Mode="0" to display Tabs. This allows you to set the Tab selected by default.

Mode Parameter Options Results Returned
oFinancials.Mode="0"; Tab display showing Cash Flow, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet
oFinancials.Mode="1"; Cash Flow only display
oFinancials.Mode="2"; Income Statement only display
oFinancials.Mode="3"; Balance Sheet only display
oFinancials.Mode="6"; Year/Period dropdown & Item Dropdown
Press Release / Library
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View site
	<div id="LibDiv"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/LibraryApi.js?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getData(); method.
oLib.Group="1869"; Sets the Group when not using the default Press Releases group. This was a required field, now our system sets the group to be used when this parameter is not included.
oLib.sDiv="LibDiv"; Sets the location to render the data - make sure to make unique if using multiple times on the same page.
oLib.Output="0"; Output Layout 0-21, default 0 for table, 1 displays div cards, 2 displays unordered list (no style), 3 displays div cards morestyle, 4 div cardswith image. Visit our LiveView site to view more
oLib.sTools="0"; Set to 1 to show tools - Year select and search box
oLib.sNav=""; set to 0 to hide the paging navigation
oLib.Count="10"; how many items are displayed per page, default is 10
oLib.Offset=""; Set an offset - items to be skipped - great when using the module twice on page
oLib.iDateFormat="1"; Date Format: 1-6, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Day, Month dd, yyyy, 6= Month dd,yyyy
oLib.ShowDate="1"; Date Location: 0-3, default is d="1" only usable with default Layout: oLib.Output="0"
0= do not display
1 = display above headline
2 = display on same row as headline
3 = display below Headline. Now that custom layouts are availble, this option is likely to be phased out.
oLib.Alink=""; default is "0" which uses a floating Div.
0 = opens in a floating div
1 = opens in a new tab
2 = opens in the B2i CMS Viewer and uses a custom domain, URL, and template
3 = opens in a new window
4 = opens as PDF - auto-generated or PDF attachment set in B2i portal
5 = open attachment - attachments set in B2i portal
6 = open in the B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new window
7 = open in the B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new tab
8 = uses ViewLink parameter also able to set in B2i portal - place Press_Release_View plugin on another page to show item in full
9 = view in WordPress blog - The best SEO option with formatting controllable within WordPress.
Also see the following options: Show Expand se="1" and Use Same Div sd="1"
oLib.ViewLink=""; The View link is used to display the press releases on a separate page. First place the Press Releases Viewer Plugin on a separate page. Next add the link to that page in the Press Release Plugin ViewLink parameter. Currently, Url can not use querystring paramters.
oLib.AutoOpen=""; When using the floating display to show the story, you can set AutoOpen="1" for use with the email and social media links back to the story.
oLib.ShowExpand=""; Set to 1 to make story open in expand on same page
oLib.UseSameDiv=""; Set to 1 to make story consume the div the headlines loaded in. A back link will be placed above and below the story.
oLib.ShowSummary="300"; Set to number of characters of the body to render
oLib.UseTemplate=""; Set to 1 to use a template on the news story - template must be loaded in IR Office portal
oLib.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css
oLib.RSS="1"; Set to 0 to hide the RSS image and link to the RSS feed
oLib.HeadlineLen=""; Set a limited amount of characters to return for the headline
oLib.iStoryWidth="600"; Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px
oLib.iStoryHeight="600"; Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px
oLib.iStoryMaxWidth=""; Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oLib.iStoryMaxHeight=""; Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oLib.iLeftOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from left: default 0
oLib.iTopOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from top: default 0
Press Releases Viewer
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View site
This module can be used in 2 ways to display a press release
- from the list page
- from the email notification when clicking "Continue Reading"
	<div id="LibViewDiv"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/LibraryViewApi.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getPRViewData(); method.
oLibView.Output="0"; Output type 0, default 0 - more will be added soon
oLibView.sTools="0"; Set to 1 to show tools - PDF and Print
oLibView.sNav=""; set to 0 to hide the paging navigation
oLibView.iDateFormat="1"; Date Format: 1-6, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Day, Month dd, yyyy, 6= Month dd,yyyy
Email Alert Sign-up
Basic usage - Example page
	<div id="EmailDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Emailapi2.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getEmailAlertData(); method.
oEmail.sSubscribeText=""; This allows you to set a custom subscribe message that is displayed after the user clicks the subscribe button
oEmail.sUnsubscribeText=""; This allows you to set a custom subscribe message that is displayed after the user clicks the subscribe button
oEmail.tos="1"; Email terms of service - by default this does not show; Set to 1 to use: oEmail.tos="1";
oEmail.tosLabel='Your Text'; Email terms of service custom text to use
oEmail.tosControl="1"; Allow the terms of service to control when the Subscribe button shows.
oEmail.lo="2"; Email form layout - default: lo="1"; currently 1-4 available
oEmail.RequiredName=false; Require name field, true by default.
oEmail.RequiredCompany=false; Require company field, true by default.
oEmail.LabelEmail="Email"; Text to use for "Email" label
oEmail.LabelFirstName="First Name"; Text to use for "First Name" label
oEmail.LabelLastName="Last Name"; Text to use for "Last Name" label
oEmail.LabelCompany="Company"; Text to use for "Company" label
oEmail.List="##"; Returns a single list based onthe List ID. Retrieve ## from the B2i system.
oEmail.CheckAllList=""; Set to oEmail.CheckAllList="1"; to check all lists by default
oEmail.HideAllList=""; Set to oEmail.HideAllList="1"; to hide all lists by default
oEmail.LangID="2"; Language to display list and text. Additional languages must be initialized. *
oEmail.sJoinEndPoint=""; URL to forward user to after subscribing
oEmail.sRemoveEndPoint=""; URL to forward user to after unsubscribing
oEmail.InvTag=""; Email Sign Up Form with A/B Testing using Contact Tagging when using email form in multiple locations and measuring performance of - defined and viewed in B2i Portal. *
oEmail.Group="##"; Email Group Filters can be used to segment your groups. Group Filters are created in the B2i portal. Example: Using the form only showing a single group like Press releases. *
Items with an * require additional configuration. Please contact us
Email Alert Unsubscribe
Basic usage
	<div id="EmailUnDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/EmailUnapi2.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getEmailUnData(); method.
oEmailUn.LabelEmail="Email"; Text to use for "Email" label
oEmailUn.LabelUnsubscribe="Email"; Label for Unsubscribe text - Default is lu="Unsubscribe from all email communications."
oEmailUn.sUnsubscribeText=""; This allows you to set a custom subscribe message that is displayed after the user clicks the subscribe button
oEmailUn.sRemoveEndPoint=""; URL to forward user to after they click unsubscribe
oEmailUn.tos="1"; Email terms of service - by default this does not show; Set to 1 to use: oEmail.tos="1";
oEmailUn.tosLabel='Your Text'; Email terms of service custom text to use
oEmailUn.tosControl="1"; Allow the terms of service to control when the Subscribe button shows.
oEmailUn.lo="2"; Email form layout - default: lo="1"; currently 1 available
oEmailUn.LangID="2"; Language to display list and text. Additional languages must be initialized. *
Items with an * require additional configuration. Please contact us
Stock Detail
B2i Example page | Live View Site
More layouts can easily be added contact us. We love expanding our product!
	<div id="QuoteDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/QuoteApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
	oQuote.sDiv="QuoteDiv"; //When using quote multiple times on same page, set unique div names
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getQuoteData(); method.
oQuote.Format="1"; Format for stock data output. Current usage is 1-15
Need a different format, contact us We love expanding our product!
oQuote.SymbolDisplay="(OCC)"; Override the symbol output
oQuote.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css
oQuote.sDiv=""; Sets the location to render the data
oQuote.Dollar="0"; Show currency sign on left, set to "1" for dollar, "2" for euro, "3" for £ - pound - Default is "0" for none
oQuote.DollarR=""; Show currency sign on right, set to "1" for p - pound
oQuote.DecLen="2"; Decimal places, Default is 2, dl=4 would show 4 places right of decimal
oQuote.DateFormat="0"; Custom date format
	0: 11/19/2020 2:07 PM
	1: Nov 19, 2020 2:07 PM
	2: 11/19/20 2:07 PM
	3: 19/11/2020 2:07 PM
	4: 19 Nov 2020 2:07 PM
	5: Tuesday, November 19, 2020 2:07 PM
	6: November 19, 2020 2:07 PM
	7: Nov 19, 2020
	8: 19 Nov 2020
oQuote.Exchange=""; Exchange override
oQuote.Centseperator=""; Cents seperator override - example: oQuote.Centseperator=",";
oQuote.Numseperator=""; Number seperator override - example: oQuote.Numseperator=".";
oQuote.Upimage=""; Custom up arrow image / character
oQuote.Downimage=""; Custom down arrow image / character
Stock Chart
B2i Example page | Live View Site

Historical chart example
	<div id="chartdiv2" style="height:500px;"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function LoadChart(){
	oChart.BizID= "449";
	oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
	oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv2";
	oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
	oChart.Period= "3";
	oChart.Mode= "0";
	oChart.FillColor = "336699";
	oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
	oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";

	if (window.addEventListener) {
	window.addEventListener('load', LoadChart, false);
	} else if (window.attachEvent) {
	window.attachEvent('onload', LoadChart);
Intraday chart example
	NOTICE: the intraday chart object is oiChart.
	When adding parameters make sure to use the correct object name.
	Ex: oiChart.SymbolDisplay="Optical Cable Corporation (OCC)";

	<div id="chartintradiv" style="height:400px;"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartIntraApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

	function LoadIntraChart(){
	oiChart.Exchange= "NYSE | ";
	oiChart.sDiv = "chartintradiv";
	oiChart.Symbol = "EAT";
	oiChart.GridAlpha = "0";

	if (window.addEventListener){
		window.addEventListener('load', LoadIntraChart, false);
	} else if (window.attachEvent){
		window.attachEvent('onload', LoadIntraChart);
Candlestick chart example
	<div id="chartdiv" style="height:500px;"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function LoadCandleChart(){
	oChart.BizID= "449";
	oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv";
	oChart.Mode="1"; //  <-  this makes it a candlestick chart
	oChart.LineThickness= "1";
	oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
	oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
	oChart.Period= "3";
	oChart.FillColor = "336699";
	oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
	oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";

	if (window.addEventListener) {
	window.addEventListener('load', LoadCandleChart, false);
	} else if (window.attachEvent) {
	window.attachEvent('onload', LoadCandleChart);
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the GetChart(); method.
oChart.sDiv="chartdiv"; Sets the location to render the data - when using multple on page may have to incrementally load using JS setTimeout()
oChart.Mode="1"; Default oChart.Mode="0" for line & area chart - use oChart.Mode="1", for Candlestick chart
oChart.SymbolDisplay=""; Override internal label text - great for setting the company name or any custom text
Candle up / down indicatior colors - hex code no #
oChart.Dollar="0"; Show currency sign on left, set to "1" for dollar, "2" for euro, "3" for £ - pound
oChart.DollarR=""; Show currency sign on right, set to "1" for p - pound
Chart Type and Fill
oChart.ChartType="line"; Chart Type - options: line, smoothedLine, step, column
oChart.FillColor="336699"; Chart Fill Color, Default 336699 - do not include #
oChart.FillAlpha=0.2; Chart Fill Alpha, Default 0.2 - Set to 0 to turn off fill color for a line only
oChart.LineThickness= "4"; Chart Line Thickness, Default 2
Label Text
oChart.SymbolDisplay=""; Over ride symbol display - empty by default
oChart.PriceTitle="Price"; Chart Price Title
oChart.VolumeTitle="Volume"; Volume Chart Title
oChart.CloseText="Close"; Close Text in bubble
oChart.VolumeText="Volume"; Volume Text in bubble
oChart.SaveText="Save data as"; Save text for saving chart data
oChart.AllText="ALL"; Button for All
oChart.Lang="1"; Language for months
oChart.Period="1"; //english
oChart.Period="2"; //spanish
oChart.Period="4"; //french
Label Formatting
oChart.AxisLabelColor="666666"; Axis Label Color, Default 666666 - do not include #
oChart.AxisLabelSize="11"; Axis Label Size, Default "11"
oChart.ValueInsideChart=true; For placement of data values - set to false for outside the chart - must also set left margin
oChart.LeftMargin="5"; Set to higher value to allow values outside of chart - oChart.LeftMargin="60;
oChart.TopLabelColor="666666"; Top Label Color, Default 666666 - do not include #
oChart.TopLabelSize=15; Top Label Size, Default 15
oChart.InsideLabelColor="336699"; Inside Label Color, Default 336699 - do not include #
oChart.InsideLabelSize=25; Inside Label Size, Default 25
oChart.InsideLabelAlpha=0.3; Inside Label Alpha, Default 0.3 - Set to 0 remove
Chart Background
oChart.BGColor="ffffff"; Chart Background Color, Default ffffff - do not include #
oChart.BGAlpha=1; Chart Background Alpha, Default 1 - set to 0 for transparency or between 0 and .9
oChart.UseDashGrid="1"; Chart Use Dash Grid
oChart.GridAlpha=".2"; Chart Grid Alpha
oChart.GridColor="bbbbbb"; Chart Grid Color, Default bbbbbb - do not include #
Chart Border
oChart.ChartBorderColor="999999"; Chart Border Color, Default 999999 - do not include #
oChart.ChartBorderAlpha=".5"; Chart Border Alpha, Default .5 - set to 0 for none
oChart.CursorShow=true; Show Cursor - set to false to hide
oChart.CursorColor="336699"; Cursor Color, Default 336699 - do not include #
oChart.CursorAlpha=".1"; Cursor Alpha, Default ".1" - set 0 to 1
Period Selector
oChart.PeriodSelectorShow=1; Show Period Selector - set to 0 to hide
oChart.PeriodSelectorLocation="bottom"; Period Selector Location - options: bottom, top, left, right
oChart.Period="3"; Chart time period to show - Default 3 for 3 months
oChart.Period="1"; for 10 day
oChart.Period="2"; for 1 month
oChart.Period="3"; for 3 month
oChart.Period="4"; for 6 month
oChart.Period="5"; for 1 year
oChart.Period="6"; for 5 year
oChart.Period="7"; for All
oChart.ShowVolumeChart=true; Show Volume Chart - set to false to hide
oChart.VolumeChartType="column"; Volume Chart Type - options: line, smoothedLine, step, column
oChart.VolumeFillAlpha=1; Volume Chart Fill Alpha, Default 1 - set to 0 for transparency or between 0 and .9
oChart.BalloonFillColor="ffffff"; Balloon Fill Color, Default ffffff - do not include #
oChart.BalloonFontSize=13; Balloon Font Size, Default 13
Scroll Bar
oChart.ShowScrollBar=true; The bottom scroll window on chart - set to false to hide
Data Format / Separators
oChart.Centseperator="."; Decimal separator: oChart.Centseperator=".";
oChart.Numseperator=","; Thousands separator: oChart.Numseperator=",";
Duda CMS chart implementation
When using Duda CMS, there is a different implementation needed for adding the chart to the page since it does not implement the native JS DOM.
	<div id="chartdiv" style="height:500px;"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function LoadChart(){
	oChart.BizID= "449";
	oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
	oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv";
	oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
	oChart.Period= "3";
	oChart.FillColor = "336699";
	oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
	oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";
Stock Detail Historical
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site
		<div id="HistoricalDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/HistoricalQuoteApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
		oHistoric.sDiv="HistoricalDiv"; //When using quote multiple times on same page, set unique div names
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getHistoricalData(); method.
oHistoric.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css
oHistoric.sDiv="HistoricalDiv"; Sets the location to render the data
oHistoric.Dollar="0"; Show currency sign on left, set to "1" for dollar, "2" for euro, "3" for £ - pound
oHistoric.DollarR=""; Show currency sign on right, set to "1" for p - pound
oHistoric.DecLen="2"; Decimal places, Default is 2, dl=4 would show 4 places right of decimal
oHistoric.DateFormat="0"; Custom date format
				0: 11/19/2020
				1: Nov 19, 2020
				2: 11/19/20
				3: 19/11/2020
				4: 19 Nov 2020
				5: Tuesday, November 19, 2020
				6: November 19, 2020
oHistoric.Lang="1"; Language of Labels, Default is 1 for english
				1: English
				2: Spanish
				3: Portuguese
				4: French
				5: German
				6: Italian
oHistoric.Centseperator=""; Cents seperator override - example: oHistoric.Centseperator=",";
oHistoric.Numseperator=""; Number seperator override - example: oHistoric.Numseperator=".";
Stock Dividends
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site
		<div id="DividendsDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Dividendsapi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
		oDividends.Symbol="OCC"; // Stock ticker that has dividends - service will need to be activated for your license
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getDividendsData(); method.
oDividends.DecLen="1"; Decimal length, set to dl=1, Must be integer. Default is 0 / off
oDividends.Dollar="0"; Show dollar sign, set to d=1, Default is 0 / off
oDividends.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css
Basic usage - B2i Example page

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal.

		<div id="AnalystDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/AnalystApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site

This data is managed in our IR Office Portal.

		<div id="CalDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Calapi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
		oCal.sDiv="CalDiv"; //When using Calendar multiple times on same page, set unique div names
		oCal.Mode="0"; //for all events, see below for other options
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getCalData(); method.
oCal.Count="5"; Count of items to show, default is 5
oCal.Mode=""; oCal.Mode="" for Future events only, oCal.Mode="1" for Past events, oCal.Mode="0" for all events
oCal.lo="2"; Calendar List layout - default: lo="1"; currently 0-8 available
oCal.ViewLink="/yourpagename"; The View link is used to display the Event in Full on a separate page. Add the link in this ViewLink parameter value.
oCal.Year="2017"; Enter a year for segmenting data by years.
oCal.iDateFormat="1"; Date Format: 1-6, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Day, Month dd, yyyy, 6= Month dd,yyyy
oCal.iDateLocation="1"; default: 0, 1 for above title, 0 for below title
oCal.sDiv=""; Sets the location to render the data. Use different div names when using the plugin on a page multiple times ex. Future Events and Past Events
Event Viewer
Basic usage Live View Site

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal.

		<div id="CalViewDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/CalViewapi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getCalData(); method.
oCalView.iDateFormat="1"; Date Format: 1-6, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Day, Month dd, yyyy, 6= Month dd,yyyy
Committee Composition
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site
This plugin requires data to be entered into the B2i CMS
		<div id="CommDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Commapi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

Custom images can be selected in the IR Office Portal.

Directors, Management, Advisors, etc.
Basic usage - B2i Example page | Live View Site

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal. Many layouts are available for Directors, Management, Advisors etc.

		<div id="DirDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/DirectorApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getDirData(); method.
oDir.lo="0"; Database driven templates for unlimited layouts
oDir.Group=""; Groups used for Directors, Management, Advisors, etc. These are configured in our portal.
oDir.ViewLink=""; URL Page Link that has View Module installed.
oDir.sOpen="1"; Holds biography container open, removing collapsibility for layouts where implemented.
Directors, Management, Advisors Viewer

This plugin is used in conjunction with the Dirtectors plugin and managed in the IR Office Portal.

		<div id="DirViewDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/DirectorViewApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getDirViewData(); method.
oDirView.lo="1"; Database driven templates for unlimited layouts
Basic usage - B2i Example page

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal.

		<div id="MgmtDiv"></div>
		<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/MgmtApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getMgmtData(); method.
oMgmt.lo="0"; Database driven templates for unlimited layouts
oMgmt.sOpen="1"; Holds biography container open, removing collapsibility
Contact Us
Basic usage - Example page
	<div id="ContactDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Contactapi2.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Request Info
Basic usage
	<div id="RequestDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Requestapi2.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Documents List / Showcase
Basic usage - Example page

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal.
When using multiple times on the page, make sure to set a unique name with the sDiv parameter.
This parameter controls where the data loads by settings the container ID.
Make sure to include the container on the page.

	<div id="ShowDiv"></div>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Showapi.js?v=1.0.6"></script>
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getShowData(); method.
oShow.lo="0"; Layout: lo="0" table, lo="1" display LI, lo="2" display DIV, lo="3" for Div with Button, and others layout range 0-9 (10/30/21)
oShow.c="5"; Count: c="5" how many items are displayed per page, default is 5
oShow.n="0"; Paging Navigation: n="0" Nav Off, n="1" Nav On
oShow.si="1"; Show Image: si="0" No, si="1" Left, si="2" Right
oShow.sd="1"; Show Date: sd="0" No, sd="1" 6/18/2020, sd="2" Jun 18, 2020, sd="3" June 18, 2020, sd="4" 18 / 06, sd="5" 18/06/2020, sd="6" 18 Jun 2020
oShow.ds="0"; Data Sort: ds="0" Date Desc, ds="1" Date Asc, ds="2" Title
oShow.sh="1"; Show Header row: sh="0" No, sh="1" displays a row with Date, Title headings
oShow.tl="1"; Show Year Drop down: tl="0" No, tl="1" yes
oShow.CSS="1"; Default CSS: CSS="0" No, CSS="1" yes - default CSS="1"
oShow.iStoryWidth="600"; Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px
oShow.iStoryHeight="600"; Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px
oShow.iStoryMaxWidth=""; Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oShow.iStoryMaxHeight=""; Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oShow.iLeftOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from left: default 0
oShow.iTopOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from top: default 0
Earnings Banner / Custom Code
Basic usage

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal. This module allows any code or text to be entered and used anywhere. This module can be schedule to display and hide by date / time.

	<div id="CodeDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/CodeApi.asp?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Quarterly Info / Accordion Page Content / Multi-Section Downloads Plugin API
Basic usage - Live View

This plugin is managed in the IR Office Portal.

	<div id="PageDiv"></div>
	<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Pageapi.js?v=1.0.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getPageData(); method.
oPage.SectionCount="1"; Count of sections to return: default ""
oPage.lo="2"; Layout: default "1"
oPage.SectionsOpen="1"; Count of sections to have open on load: default ""
oPage.IgnoreHeaders="1"; Makes plugin not write the header Divs: default ""
oPage.CSS="1"; Use default CSS: 0:no 1:yes - default "1"
oPage.iStoryWidth="600"; Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px
oPage.iStoryHeight="600"; Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px
oPage.iStoryMaxWidth=""; Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oPage.iStoryMaxHeight=""; Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oPage.iLeftOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from left: default 0
oPage.iTopOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from top: default 0

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